

Dog Brands

Today I thought I would share a couple of my dogs (and mine) favorite toys from the brand...
Kong Rubber Toy: I love these toys, because all you have to do is put a treat inside and it keeps them busy for hours (or just until they get the treat out  :P). The Kong Rubber Toy is also perfect for your teething puppy. There are four different sizes, so be sure to check this toy out and find the right size for your dog.

KONG Squeak Air Balls:  My dogs LOVE these balls. Not only can we play fetch but they are also a squeaky! My dogs love running around and squeaking these balls.
If your looking to buy some balls for your dogs then these are the balls to get.


Liebster Award Tag

I was tagged by Beth to do this Liebster award tag. Thanks Beth!


Thank the person who nominated you
Answer the 11 questions they gave you
Name 11 facts about yourself
Nominate 11 bloggers to do this tag, and let them know
Give them 11 questions to answer


1. When is your Birthday? May 19th

2. How many kids do you want to have when you get married?  I'll take as many as God thinks I can handle. :D

3. What is your favorite sport if you have a favorite!? Volley Ball

4. Would you rather be a beautiful horse or a small white rabbit? Probably a beautiful horse, the little white rabbit would mostly likely be coyote bait.

5. What is your favorite state? North Dakota

6. What is your favorite food? Chinese 

7. Do you like dogs? YES, I LOVE dogs!

8. Do you have a pet? YES again. I own 2 dogs and a cow (do cows count as pets :P). Our farm has lots of animals. 

9. What is one of your favorite places to go? Family Camp.

10. Do you want to go to college when you grow up? Right now, no.  Maybe on day I will take an online college course.

11. Do you wear any makeup? No. But I do wear CV Sisters shimmer l

11 facts about myself:

1. Second born.

2. I have 8 siblings, 3 brothers and 5 sisters.

3. I'm a blue belt in Taekwondo.

4. My sister and I have a small business. CV Sisters

5. I play the piano, violin, and the penny whistle.

6.  I like to crochet in my free time.

7.  I'm a chicken murder (we butcher 500 chickens every Summer). :D

8. I'm named after my grandmothers, Alice Doreen.

9. My favorite book series is "The Sword of Lyric" By Sharon Hinck
10. I learned how to drive a stick shift hay truck last Summer (I love it). :D

11. And I'm a Christian.
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6


1. What is your favorite book series?
2. Do you have a favorite blog?
3. How old are you?
4. Are you homeschooled or go to public school?
5. Cats or dogs?
6. Coffee or tea?
7. Early bird or night owl?
8. Do you live in the country or in town?
9. What is your favorite season?
10.  What do you like to do in your free time?
11. Do you know where you are going when you die?

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