

Sunshine Blogger Award

I was tagged by Laura over at Flowers in My Basket to do this cool tag! Thanks for tagging me Laura!


Thank the blogger who nominated you and link their blog. ( Flowers in my basket)

Answer the questions the blogger who nominated you provided (11 maximum).

Nominate new bloggers and make up 11 questions for them to answer.

List the rules and have the Sunshine Blogger logo present in your post.

  1. How can you serve Jesus at home? Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.  Colossians 3:23-24 
  2. If you are writing a book, tell us about it? I don't write books. :D
  3. Where are you in your sibling line up (if you have siblings)? Second oldest of nine
  4. What's your favorite song? "He Still Does" By Hawk Nelson
  5. If you could live in any time period, which would you choose? Back in Laura Ingalls time maybe, Haha I don't know. 
  6. If you could go and visit anywhere, where would you go? Probably New Zealand 
  7. What is your favorite book of the Bible? Right now Proverbs or 1 John
  8. Do you have a favorite quote? Humility is not thinking less of yourself it is thinking of yourself less. - C.S. Lewis
  9. Post a picture of your bedroom! We just redecorated our room you can see before and after pictures Here!

     10. Name a book that has inspired, motivated, or comforted you: The Bible 
11. What is your dream job? Be a mother of twins and lots more kids. XD

I Tag:

11 Questions:

1. What is your favorite Summer activity?
2. Favorite candy?
3. What's your favorite blog?
4. How many siblings do you have?
5. Favorite online store? 
6. What is one of your goals for 2018?
7. Home schooled or public schooled?
8. Favorite animal?
9. What's your favorite song?
10. What's your favorite Bible verse?
11. How many kids do you want to have when your married?


  1. Thanks for tagging me! This will be fun answering your questions! :P

  2. Yay I'm tagged! Thank you! Your room is really pretty, too! :)

  3. Thank you so much for tagging me! I was already tagged but I'll link you too! :)

    1. Wait a second... I was thinking of another tag! Haha! Can't wait to write it out! :) Thanks again Alice!

  4. Thanks for doing this!! It's neat how the violins are hanging on the wall!

  5. This was fun! Thanks for tagging me, Alice <333

  6. Just posted the seven favorite things tag in my "Tags!!!" page if you want to go check it out....
    Still working on this sunshine tag!
    These are fun tags!

  7. Thanks for tagging me! Will do this one soon- sorry I've been MIA!! :(


  8. Just finished my Sunshine tag if you want to go read my answers to your questions! Thanks again for tagging me, it was fun!
