

August 2019 Photo Dump!!

August in Review! 

More Senior Pictures 

 Went to DQ and had some delicious blizzards!

Brought home all the small squares

 Working on bringing home the round bales

 Volunteered at the local Nursing home 

 Went on a few 6 mile bike rides 

 and Horse rides 

 Set up a bike stop for the Candak riders

Tighe is just too cute not to share. He fell asleep holding a carrot. XD

Had an awesome weekend at the Itasca Family Music Festival! 

How was your August? Did you do any camping? 


Growing Pups

All Mandy's puppies are growing so fast! They are all so gorgeous and I can't help but feel proud of them. 😊 
Everyone has told me how wonderful, well tempered, and easy to train they are. All the puppies are very loved and have great homes! 











Puppies Week by Week

I forgot I was going to do this post then saw it in my drafts and thought I would just post it. Enjoy! 

Week 1 - Eating, sleeping, and growing fast.

Week 2 - Starting to walk and their eyes are almost open.

Week 3 - Getting lots of snuggles! 

Week 4 - Weaning and trying to climb out of their box. 

Week 5 - Went outside for the first time and are getting pretty fast on their little legs. 

Week 6 - Got their first shots.

Week 7 - Loving the outdoors and playing with toys.  

Week 8 - Went to their forever homes. 


Class of 2020

I graduate next year! So, I thought you all might like to see some of the Senior pictures that Anita took for me. 

What do you think? Which picture is your favorite?


My New Lens

I am loving my new 50mm prime lens! I still have a lot of experimenting to do. Below are a few pictures that I have taken.

What do you think? :D 


June 2019 Photo Dump

Guys!! June is over, how crazy is that. Here is photo dump of my June, Enjoy! 

Addie and Howard! 🤣

Baby Kitty's!!

Addalee turned 3

Aliviah turned 7 

Started haying. Haven't Gotten any pictures yet but this one of me taking Ayda to ride in the tractor. lol!

Yummy Italian Cream Sodas

Tented in our front yard just for fun! 

Lots of Horsing around

 Went to the Hawk Museum and ate yummy ice cream! 

Anita and I went out for coffee before work

Went Biking!

How was your June? I would love to hear about it in the comments below!!