
Christmas Tag

I Was tagged by Beth   To do this fun Christmas Game!
Thanks Beth!

1. Do you celebrate Christmas? YES! I love Christmas!

2. Do you celebrate any other festive holidays other than Christmas or in addition to? Yes, Valentines day, Thanksgiving, Easter, Independence day... 

3. When it comes to weather, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 degrees?? I like every seasons weather!

4. Rain or snow? I love a white Christmas!

5. On the perfect winter day, would you go shopping or stay home? Stay at home and ice skate on our pond, or snowmobile.

6. Trip to the mall or walk in the park? Walk in the park (with Mandy😉).

7. Favorite Christmas movie? The Nativity

8. Favorite Christmas tradition?  Watching the Nativity every Christmas Eve.

9. Would you rather say, "Happy Holidays!" or "Merry Christmas!" "Merry Christmas"

10. What does your Christmas morning look like?  Its different every year. We all usually get up early(because we are excited), open presents, and have a yummy breakfast (some times we have waffles, pancakes, or cinnamon rolls!). 

11. Favorite Christmas song/carol?  I like lots of Christmas songs here are a few ~ Jingle Bells🙂 , We three Kings, Silent night, I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day (By Casting Crowns).

12. Hot Cocoa, Peppermint Tea, Peppermint Mocha, Peppermint Milkshake??  Umm...All of them(Not at the same time though😉).

Now I tag~

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for doing this! I loved reading all your answers!

