
Ask Alice

Ask Alice is a Q&A. So ask me anything you want, dog questions, questions about me, ranch life, or anything. I look forward to seeing all your questions and I will do another post to answer them next week!  


  1. How many of each kind of animal do y'all have? When is your birthday? Where's your favorite place to visit? Favorite season? Tea or coffee??
    Sounds fun!

  2. Yay! I love Q&A's!

    1. Favorite color?
    2. Favorite book?
    3. Favorite movie?
    4. Dogs or cats?
    5. Winter or summer?
    6. Coffee or hot chocolate?
    7. What's your favorite dog breed?
    8. Favorite scented lip balm you make?
    9. Favorite food?
    10. Favorite board game?

    Can't wait to read your answers! :)

  3. Fun!

    1. Do you like musicals? If so which ones do you like?
    2. What is your favorite part of living in a big family?
    3. How many kids do you want when you get married?

  4. Chocolate or peanut butter and why?
    How did you start blogging?
    What do you love about the Bible?
    What's one of your favorite memories on your family?
    What's your perfect day?
    When is your birthday?
    One piece of advice about anything that you wish you knew earlier?
    This is fun! :D

  5. What’s the craziest/weirdest/funniest thing you remember doing?
    Do you ever wish you had your own room?
    Do you like baking or cooking more?
    What is your favorite thing to make I the kitchen?
    Snickers or Twix candy?
    If you had to die your hair either blue, purple, yellow, pink or green, which would it be? (Sorry that’s kinda a weird question)
    What is the funniest/cutest thing you remember hearing one of your little siblings say?
    Do you like spring or summer better?

  6. How many animals do you have?
    Do you like family gatherings?
    What's your favorite thing to do in the summer?
    do you like winter or summer best?

    I guess, that's all I have to ask! *laughs* Enjoy!

  7. Who is your favorite fictional character?
    Favorite movie?
    Favorite author?
    Dream job?
