
June 2019 Photo Dump

Guys!! June is over, how crazy is that. Here is photo dump of my June, Enjoy! 

Addie and Howard! 🤣

Baby Kitty's!!

Addalee turned 3

Aliviah turned 7 

Started haying. Haven't Gotten any pictures yet but this one of me taking Ayda to ride in the tractor. lol!

Yummy Italian Cream Sodas

Tented in our front yard just for fun! 

Lots of Horsing around

 Went to the Hawk Museum and ate yummy ice cream! 

Anita and I went out for coffee before work

Went Biking!

How was your June? I would love to hear about it in the comments below!!


  1. Oh, nice pictures! My June was a smooth month.☺

  2. Looks like a lot of fun!!! :)

  3. Oh, riding looks like lots of fun!!! I would LOVE to ride everyday. *grins*
